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Our solar enthusiasts are highly trained & qualified to discuss any questions & concerns that you may have.
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How do solar panels work?Photovoltaic cells made from purified silicon use photos in sunlight to excite electrons that create electric energy. An inverter electronically converts the direct current electricity from the panels into alternating current and matches the grid. The building then uses the solar-generated electricity, therby reducing its need for grid energy with long-term solar power.
How many solar panels are required?For a residential location, it requires on average 28-34 solar panels, however, the number of solar panels required is dependent on the roof size and location.
Do solar panels create additional weight to my roof?Solar panels along with the mounting equiptment is 2-4 pounds per square foot which are within the adquate limits of a roof. If you have an older roof, or are concerned with your roofs capability to withstand a solar panel system, please speak with a roofing company.
How much energy do my solar panels produce?The amount of energy that your solar panels produce depends on the amount of panels that are used, as well as the size of them. More efficient panels and more sunlight exposure equate to more power. Give us a call to further discuss how much energy your solar panels will produce.
Are solar power systems easy maintainence?Solar panels are extemely durable and are very low maintainence - and can last up to approximately 30 years. Professional monitoring and occasional cleaning and inspection will keep your panel system in top shape.
What is the difference between off-grid and grid-tied solar power systems?A grid-tied solar power system is connected to the electric utility grid, which allows power from the grid to kick in if your solar panels are unable to produce enough energy on their own at any given time. An off-grid system is not connected to the utility grid and is completely self-sustaining.
What happens if the panels stop creating electricity?The panels are warranted for 25 years, which covers most of their normal life span. In the event of a malfunction, the manufacturer would replace them per warranty, just like any other household appliance.
Do solar panels produce electricity even if the sun is not shining?The amount of power your solar energy system can generate is dependent on sunlight. As a result, your solar panels will produce slightly less energy when the weather is cloudy, and no energy at night.
Are solar batteries required for solar power systems?Solar batteries are not required for most solar panel homeowners, however, solar batteries (solar-plus-storage) are becoming more popular, but can be pricey. As long as your system is connected to the grid, you should not need power.
What happens if snow covers my solar panels?The amount of energy production loss due to snow is fairly minor. Snow is not heavy enough to cause structural issues within the panel, and since most panels are placed on the roof in a tilted position, the majority of snow will slide off. If snow and ice does accumulate, your panels will be easy to clean.
What is net metering?Net metering is a utility billing mechanism that is available in most states that offers a credit to residential and business customers who are making excess electricity with their solar panel systems and sending it back to the grid.
How much can I save with a solar panel installation?The average home can save between $10,000 and $30,000 over the lifetime of your solar panel system.
Will I qualify for tax credits, rebates, or incentives to help lower the cost of switching to solar?"Yes! A range of cost-saving options are available from the different levels of government: At the federal level, under the Residential Renewable Energy Tax Credit taxpayers can claim up to 26% of qualified expenses for investing in a solar system for a home you own and live in. Eligible costs include labor on site, assembling and installing the system, and the cost of all related piping and wiring. Some of the tax credit can be carried forward to the next year if the full amount exceeds the homeowner’s tax liability.
Will investing in a solar panel system increase the value of my home?Yes! Several studies demonstrate that solar homes are worth more money and sell more quickly.
Will solar panels damage my roof?Installing solar panels will not result in roof damage as long as your solar installer is a licensed, qualified professional and your roof is in good condition
How long do solar panels take to install/Do you have to rewire my house?Installation typically takes one to three days, depending on the number of panels and how complicated the installation is. You typically do not need to rewire your home. In some cases, ou may need to upgrade your main circuit panel if it does not have the capacity for the power coming from the solar array.
How does solar energy benefit the environment?Solar power systems derive clean, pure energy from the sun. Solar energy decreases greenhouse gas emissions, reduces respiratory and cardio health issues by reducing air pollutants.
Can solar panels be recycled?Yes! Silicon solar modules are primarily composed of glass, plastic, and aluminum: three materials that are recycled in mass quantities.
Does your solar system make hot water?No. People often confuse our products with solar thermal panels that involve water circulating through tubes to be heated by the sun for swimming pool water heating. Our solar modules convert sunlight into electric current to operate appliances, motors, pumps and other devices.
Will my system work at night?No. Sunlight must be present for your solar modules to produce power. At night, you draw power from your utility.

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